An easy “no bake” cookie recipe for the holidays that includes everybody’s favorite Kiss. All it takes is some rice krispies, corn flakes, peanut butter and only a few other ingredients. Top these crunchy rice krispie type treats with a Hershey Kiss and Viola … they’ll be gone before they hit the plate. You can find this great … Continue Reading »

What’s the rush?

Boy it seems like we’re just rushing right into the Christmas season! For the last couple of weeks TV commercials are geared toward Christmas shopping, Christmas songs are being played on the radio, Holiday ornaments are decorating stores and malls and Black Friday has now moved to Thanksgiving Thursday. Here at Sweet Services we are … Continue Reading »


Wondering what to do with all that Halloween candy? Why not donate all those sweets to our men & women overseas. Many dentists are buying the candy from their patients for $1.00 per pound & donating it to Operation Gratitude. Brighten up the day of one of our heroes by including a card. For those … Continue Reading »