Shed Those Holiday Pounds!

Most of us did over indulge during the Holidays and that’s expected.  But now’s a good time to kick start a New Year’s resolution. One of the most common resolutions is to get back in shape & start eating healthy.  Even if you don’t plan to begin a diet as your resolution, it would feel good just to shed those few extra Holiday pounds. We’re not talking those extreme celebrity detox diets, just a simple diet of lots of fruits & vegetables, tea, lots of water and NO SODA. In a few days we’ll be back to normal. But none the less while dieting we still get those sweet cravings.  Candy is, of course, better than some of those fancy desserts & can be just as satisfying. You don’t necessarily have to have Sugar Free candy either.  After doing a bit of research, I have found that a large, 3 inch Whirly Pop is only 70 CALORIES & that could last all day! The mini Pops such as Dum Dums or Charms are only 50 calories for 3 of them. Now if you need that Chocolate fix, the Hershey Miniature Chocolate Bars are 210 calories for 7 mini bars… but those are only if you have been good!  Good luck & Happy New Year!

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