Why You Should Actually Be Eating More Chocolate

Types of chocolate

On average, Americans eat nearly 25 pounds of candy each year, with 50% of the total coming from the 51 chocolate bars most Americans consume per year. While we like to think of candy as something we should stay away from, chocolate candy can actually provide us with some surprising health benefits!


The Health Benefits of Chocolate Candy


Readily available from online candy stores, chocolate candy can provide sweet lovers with a handful of important benefits. A few of the most significant are:


  • Surprisingly Nutritious
    As a rule, the higher the cocoa content, the more nutrients you’ll be getting. For instance, chocolate candy with 70 to 80% cocoa content can have up to 11 grams of fiber, 98% the recommended daily intake of manganese, 89% daily copper intake, 58% daily magnesium intake, and 67% daily iron intake. In addition to these, high cocoa containing chocolates also contain zinc, potassium, and selenium, all of which can be healthy and beneficial in moderation.


  • Antioxidants
    Darker forms of chocolate are also high in antioxidants, even more so than acai berries and blueberries. While this might sound surprising if you’re fond of adding these fruits to your morning yogurt or oatmeal, the good news is that you can now sprinkle on some dark chocolate without having to feel guilty!


  • Improving Blood Flow and Lowering Blood Pressure
    The specific flavanols that exist in dark chocolate can also help stimulate the linings in arteries to produce more nitric oxide. This helps relax arteries and lower resistance that can impede blood flow and cause heightened blood pressure. While the effects shouldn’t be used on their own if you’re blood pressure needs medical intervention, it is helpful to be aware of.


  • Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease
    The compounds found in dark chocolate can also help prevent oxidation which, in the long term, can reduce cholesterol and lower the chance of heart disease as less is able to clog vital arteries. With this, multiple studies have indicated that decent improvement can be made by consuming chocolate two or more times within a week. That’s a pretty good reason to hit the online candy shop and stock up!


  • Skin Protection
    As it turns out, chocolate can also help protect your skin from sun damage. Because the flavonols improve blood flow and increase the density and hydration of the skin, you can increase the amount of sun exposure it takes for a reaction to occur. In one particular study, after consuming chocolate high in flavonols for 12 weeks, subjects saw the minimal amount of UVB rays doubled to produce redness. While it doesn’t negate the need for sunscreen, you still might want to stock up on chocolate candy before hitting the beach!


  • improving Brain Function
    Dark chocolate can also help improve how the brain functions, as well as improve function in elder adults that are experiencing mental impairments. This is due to the increase in blood flow, meaning more is able to enter the brain overall. Additionally, the contents of theobromine and caffeine can also help stimulate the brain in the short term, giving you a boost of energy that gets you through those long workdays.



If you’ve been feeling bad about snacking on chocolate candies, fear not for it’s healthier than you thought! Chocolate candy, especially those high in cocoa content, can come with surprising benefits that help keep you feeling (and eating) your best. While moderation is key, snacking on some chocolate one or two times a week makes for a tasty and healthy treat that everyone can enjoy!


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