Memorable Candy Commercials You Probably Forgot About

Memorable Candy Commercials You Probably Forgot About

Commercials are the worst. But they used to be exciting! Remember the colorful and creative ads from the 1980s and ‘90s? The ones about food and candy were always the most eye-catching. Check out the most memorable candy commercials you probably forgot about and learn which ones feature treats you still enjoy today.

Tootsie Pop

Mr. Owl is a legendary character. When asked how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, he astutely responds, “Let’s find out. One… two… three…” before taking a bite out of the sucker and declaring that the answer is “three.” The child who asked doesn’t look convinced, and the narrator calls the audience to action to find the answer out for themselves.

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

The series of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercials that ran in the 1990s featured a catchy slogan: “There’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s.” They typically show someone doing something sneaky or scandalous before taking a bite.

Baby Bottle Pop

With its catchy tune, the commercial for Baby Bottle Pop attracted kids of all ages to this sweet and sour treat. It was marketed to preteens; the commercial features students in middle school enjoying the treat in the halls of their school.


Mentos ran a series of commercials in the 1990s that attracted viewers. They didn’t make sense to the brand, but people were excited to see what they would come up with next. One of the most memorable is one in which a group of teens is trying to cross the street. When they get cut off by traffic, one eats Mentos and then scoots through the back of a car to cut through.


Using cross-promotion, Butterfinger’s most memorable commercial features Bart Simpson eating the candy instead of a nutritious lunch at school.

Doublemint Gum

Using twins in their advertising since 1959, Doublemint Gum has run commercials featuring twins since the 1980s. Still, the most memorable might be the upbeat one from 1998 that features a montage of twins—including Tia and Tamara!

Life Savers

The 1994 Life Savers commercial put this candy on the market as a juicy, fruity treat. It promoted the most popular flavors, like orange and cherry, and made the candy seem larger than life. Pops of color advertised the range of flavors available from this brand.

Check out these memorable candy commercials you probably forgot about for a blast from the past. You likely still enjoy many of the candies from these ads. When you crave a retro treat, shop nostalgic candy wholesale on Sweet Services’s online store.

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