Shed those Holiday pounds!

Most of us did over indulge during the Holidays and that’s expected.  But now’s a good time to kick start a New Year’s resolution. One of the most common resolutions is to get back in shape & start eating healthy.  Even if you don’t plan to begin a diet as your resolution, it would feel good just to shed those few extra Holiday pounds. We’re not talking those extreme celebrity detox diets, just a simple diet of lots of fruits & vegetables, tea, lots of water and NO SODA. In a few days we’ll be back to normal. But none the less while dieting we still get those sweet cravings. And we shouldn’t deprive ourselves. Candy is, of course, better than some of those fancy desserts & can be just as satisfying. You don’t necessarily have to have Sugar Free candy either.  After doing a bit of research, I have found that a large, 3 inch Whirly Pop is only 70 CALORIES & that could last all day! The Mini Pops such as Dum Dums or Charms are only 50 calories for 3 of them. Now if you need that Chocolate fix, the Hershey Miniature Chocolate Bars are only 210 calories for 7 mini bars… but you can only have those if you’ve been good!  Good luck & Happy New Year!

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