Fight Disease and Weight Gain with These Candy Facts

Junk food has an alter ego; we think sweets are sinful, but in small amounts, they can fight devilish disease and even weight gain. Reap the benefits with these tricks…

Go to the Dark Side – the best excuse to eat a Milky Way Midnight. The a study in the European Heart Journal revealed that people who ate a little “dark” chocolate every day were 40 percent less likely to have a heart attack or stroke. Pick a piece of dark chocolate the size of a Hershey’s Kiss.

Fans of fruity candy, rejoice! It’s not all about chocolate anymore. Researchers at Louisiana State University found people who eat confections of any kind have a lower body-mass index and a smaller waist than those who don’t. Balancing healthy eating with the occasional treat is key.

A study from Coventry University revealed that Chewing Gum improves alertness – a great afternoon pick-me-up!

The corn in that sticky Popcorn Ball has fiber and antioxidants to help the digestive system. Nuke 1/2 cup honey for 10 seconds; add 12 ounces semisweet chocolate chips. Pour over 6 cups popcorn mixed with 1 cup salted peanuts. Stir; form into balls; chill on wax paper until firm. YUM!

Do DessertDon’t deprive yourself of a sweet treat. Enjoying treats can help you slim. According to the University School of Medicine in Athens showed that those who ate 4 low-calorie desserts a week lost 9 pounds more than those who had one weekly splurge.  Those who felt deprived pigged out, but frequent sweet eaters were satisfied with smaller portions. Enjoy!


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